One considerable question is that when is the time a children should have a cell phone.Having a cell phone will definitely make the communication easier and reliable but we should think if the time has really came for a kid to own a cell phone. Before giving them a mobile phone we must think the good and bad aspects of a cell phone for a kid.
Mobile phones have a lot of game apps and camera that kids like to spend a lot of their time on it.Music is another choice that they always want to be busy with.If they have internet connection, they will definitely browse through internet, Facebook, Hi 5 etc. that will make their time enjoyable and more informative as well. Calculator, Watch, calendar, weather etc are other helpful apps for them. Communicating with parent, friends, relatives and teachers is a lot easier for them if they have a cell phone, in fact it saves their time and sometimes even lives in case of emergency.
Most of schools don't allow cell phones at classes as I know they argue that a mobile phone distracts the attention of the children while on class, it will consume their time and reduce thinking power.They will spend their time more on playing music , games and browsing on internet.Having a phone will also add some economic burden to parents.
So parents what is your opinion about this? When do you think is the right time to buy a cell phone for them? Shall schools in Nepal allow cell phones ?
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