SLC 2069 Girl's Topper Saru Shrestha

Name                     -Sharu Shrestha

Marks Obtained   -  93.50 %

Science               -93

Optional Math     -99

School's Name     -Glad Stone Academy Bhaktapur

School's Adress    -Madhyapur Thimi-2 Mill Road Bode
                           Tel. 977-1-6631588/6637415

Born in Bhaktapur , Sharu have been a  brilliant student since ber primary level.Her mom says that she always tried to give her the best environment for study.Sharu admits that she used to be outside of the home starting from the 6 am to 8 pm In the evening. She even deactivated her Facebook before 3 months of SLC exam and she didn't have any mobile phones and computer until the slc exam was finished.

Sharu says that many colleges have approached to her with many offers but she has said no to them all as she has already chosen her college. Like her many slc top students are being followed by colleges offering scholarship, boarding or many other facilities as these bright students may attract more students in their institution. And there is always high chances that these toppers will have a good position in the intermediate exam as well giving their college a good reputation.

After understanding all these from the previous toppers life, Sharu and her mother have cleared it through media not to go for any other college as they have chosen one already.

Best of Luck Sharu for your bright future.

Watch the entire Interview below :


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  1. i am not satisfied ,why only science and opt math subject ko matrai marks rakhe ko,is that important?
