The second election has made Nepali Congress the largest party and the CPN UML has become the second whereas the Maoist has become the 3rd largest who were the largest party in the first CA.In the First CA, Maoist and it's allies had a majority in the CA but a directive in the interim constitution that has stated that constitution should be promulgated only with the consensus of all major parties but not with the majority voting. But Nepali Congress and CPN UML didn't agree with the Caste based federal states proposed by Unified Maoist that led the demise of first Constituent Assembly. During the last months of the first CA, parties had amended the Act of Interim Constitution making it possible to draft the constitution with majority votes in the CA is case they will fail to forge
consensus. This is the major point now Maoist and the governing parties NC and CPN UML are debating for. Moist claim that they tried for the consensus until the last moment of first CA even when they had the majority votes that NC and UML don't have face now to go for majority process. As promised by the parties, they were unable to announce the draft of new constitution on Magh 8, 2071 as they were unable to forge consensus on major subjects like federal structure.
On the Magh 5th Nepali Congress and UML had planned to go for majority voting process and the speaker of the House Subash Nembanng tried to form the Questionnaire Committee which NC CA member Chin Kaji Shrestha was supposed to propose in the house and CPN UML CA member was supposed to agree. Disagreed witht the process, Maoist and the Madhesh based parties tried to stop the process vandalizing the CA hall, few bodyguards were injured during the brawl. The process was stopped again in the second time so the third time Chairman of the House Subash Nemband came with the solution and announced the Questionnaire Committee himself from his desk that got passed with the Loud Voice Procedure in the CA meeting.
This is the official beginning of the voting process that will lead to the way of drafting new constitution although the first meeting of the Questionaries' committee will be in 5 days allowing the parties for possible consensus. This committee is the crucial step towards the voting process that has excited most of the public whereas a major fraction of the society such as Madhesh based parties, Indigenous parties and Maoist parties, who want changes in the traditional parliamentary system have been trying the disrupt the process protesting nationwide.
Was really helpful....