Monday, September 8, 2014

SLC Chance Exam Result Out Palpa Girl Suicides

The Office of Controller of Examination (OCE) Sanothimi Bhaktapur has published the result of Chance Exam also called Supplementary exam 2071 which was held during August 5-12 in 235 exam centers through out nation.This year 65.29 percent students have passed the exam which is better result than the previous years and also quite good comparing with the regular SLC (school leaving certificate) exam 2071.Students who failed in one or two subjects in regular SLC exam 2070-2071 were eligible to take the chance exam.A total of 120,317 students had sat in the exam where 78,453 have passed.Of the total examine-es , 65,378 were girls and 54,939 were boys where 41,622 girls and 36,831 boys have successfully passed the exam.
slc supplementary exam result 2071
Examination controller Bishnu Bahadur Dware has informed that only 2001 students have passed in the first division whereas 59,086 have passed in the second division.He further said that result of 244 students have withheld and exams of 48 students were cancelled.
SLC exam in Nepal is considered as the iron gate which is the basic academic qualification for applying for any government service jobs and also the requirement to enter the university.Youths who have under SLC qualification is treated as dumb and useless person in the society which students don't want to face and take the wrong way.A student named Telana Basyal  has committed suicide right after realizing ther failure in the chance exam result yesterday.yesterday. Basyal is permanent resident of Dhapkhola 9-Barangdi VDC of Palpa district.It is said that she was unable to take exam last year and this year she failed even after the second attempts.
Click here to Watch SLC Chance Exam Result 2071

To Watch The Subject Marks Click Here

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